Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Member Survey: Give Us Your Thoughts on Volunteer Events

Hello Impact Members!
In order for us to make sure you are getting the most out of your experience with Impact the officers have created a short survey to gather your opinions and thoughts on Volunteer Events. This will help us plan events that are of interest to you. Please take a few moments to complete the survey here:

The Impact Officers :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Impact Officer Application

If you would like to run for an officer position your first step is to fill out this application: CLICK HERE This is due by Sunday October 23 at 11:59pm.

Here are the next steps:

Attend our next officer meeting which will be Wednesday October 26th at 6:30 in the Union.
Then at our next general meeting on November 2nd be prepared to give a very short speech then members will vote and we will announce the winners at the end of the meeting.

Good Luck!
Impact Officers

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First General Meeting Tomorrow!

Hello Impact Friends!
Get excited because tomorrow, Wed. September 7th, is Impact's First General Meeting!  It will be at 6pm in WEL 2.304 (note the time change 6pm NOT 6:30pm as advertised before). Have some pizza and learn about what Impact has in store for the fall. Just a little teaser: lots of fun events planned!

Also here is a look at our t-shirts for this semester which you will get after you pay dues...

Hope to see everyone tomorrow, new and old!

The Impact Officers

** If you signed your email up at Party on the Plaza be sure to make it out to the meeting for your chance at the gift certificate raffle! You must be present to accept your prize.**

Friday, August 26, 2011

Car Wash + PoP + First General Meeting

Hello Impact!

I hope everyone is having a great start to the fall semester. We are so excited to get everyone involved with Impact again! Here is what Impact has going on in the next week or so:

Sunday August 28th (this weekend!) we have a car wash FUNdraiser from 9am-4pm at the McDonalds on MLK near Guadalupe. We hope to see a lot of you out there, old and new faces! Please sign up for shifts --> here <-- so we can make sure to have carwashers present all day.

Wednesday August 31st is Party on the Plaza in front of Gregory Gym. This event is attended by the hundreds of student organizations at UT. Each organization gets a table where they can promote their organization. At our table we will have a tri-fold poster board about Impact and candy! This will be a great way to tell others about our organization and to expand our membership. If you are interested in tabling sign up -->here<--

Wednesday September 7th at 6:30pm in WEL 2.304- the time has finally come for our First General Meeting. We can't wait to share the exciting events we have planned for the Fall and hopefully meet some new people! Bring your friends. There will be some type of food.

Hope to see everyone really soon!

Christine Nguyen
Impact Secretary

Monday, July 18, 2011

Recap of Impact's Summer Events

Hello Impact Members!
I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing summer. I just wanted to give a little update on what Impact has been up to this summer.

In June a few members visited Marbridge Ranch, an assisted living facility for adults with cognitive disabilities. We spent the morning playing kickball. Our teams were the Dodgers versus the Mets. Everyone had a lot of fun! One of the best parts was cooling off with a popsicles after the game. The residents look forward to us returning in the fall to play Bingo!

Our July event was this past weekend. We worked with Austin Habitat for Humanity to help build a house for an amazing woman named Janie and her 3 year old son Julian. It was the first day of the build so we were there when the first wall went up, which was really neat!  It was a lot of hard work but so much fun! At the end of the day our site manager said our team finished in one day what usually gets done in 2 days.
The first walls going up early in the day.

Impact Crew at the end of the day in front of Janie's House.
I for one really enjoyed the experience and can't wait to be apart of another build in the future. 

Enjoy the rest of your summer and keep checking your email for news of more Impact events and information about the fall semester.

Christine Nguyen
Impact Secretary

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

End of Year BBQ Banquet!

To celebrate the end of Impact's awesome inaugural semester we are having a BBQ Banquet at Zilker Park on Saturday April 30 from 1-4pm. It is free for all members who have paid dues and $10 for guests.

Please RSVP here

We hope to see all members on Saturday for good food and lots of fun activities :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011


There are many exciting new things on this website!
First off on the sidebar there is a link to our photo gallery where you can view pictures from volunteer events and meetings. There is also a link to join Impact on Facebook- Do it! --->

Another new feature is the "Current Members" tab at the top of the page. If you click there you will find a link to check your member status (hours, meeting attendance, etc.). An archive to our meeting powerpoints can also be found on this page.

If you miss a meeting or can't come to meetings due to scheduling issues, no worries! You can still sign up for volunteer events! Just go to the "Volunteer Opportunities" tab at the top of the page where there is a list of current events that you can read more information about and sign up for.

This website is still a work in progress. If you have any suggestions or feel like something is missing please let me know at impactatx@gmail.com.

Christine Nguyen :)
Impact Secretary

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Welcome to Impact's New Website!

The officers of Impact proudly announce the launch of our new website! This website will contain all of the information pertaining to Impact, including our mission, a list of the officers, requirements, and volunteer opportunities. Furthermore, this website will serve as a bridge between Impact and the students of UT Austin--anyone that wishes to contact us for more information or other inquiries will be provided with contact information to do so. We are thankful for each and every member of Impact, and we hope to see you all around campus and at our volunteer events!


The Officers of Impact