Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spring 2014!

Get ready for an awesome semester coming up! We have lots more games, volunteer opportunities, the big event, and the end of the year barbeque coming up!

Just a reminder, our meetings are now held in the CLA 1.106! This is different than the fall and last year! We will continue having meetings every other Wednesday from 7-8 pm.

While the club is small, it is this that keeps us a tight-knit group ready to help tackle the problems persisting through Austin. We follow our passions to help those in need, no matter the cause. We often work with the Austin Animal Shelter, Feed My People, and the Special Olympics. In the past we have tutored and mentored children from Barrington Elementary School, held a t-shirt drive to help Open Arms and raise awareness about human trafficking, and helped collect and sort food at food drives.

We encourage anyone who wants to do volunteer work to stop by any meeting and email us with any questions! We'd love to see you there!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hey Y'all

Remember that we have our last meeting before Thanksgiving break coming up on Wednesday, November 19th at 7 pm (in JGB 2.202)! We'll be going over some more volunteer opportunities before the semester ends and going over the end of the semester get-together!

Can't wait to see you all there!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hey Awesome Impacters!

Don't forget about our third general meeting tonight in WAG 208 beginning at 6:30pm! Come with your stomachs ready and ears prepared to hear about our newest volunteer opportunities!

Can't wait to see you then!
-Your Impact Officers

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hey Guys!

This may be delayed, but all of our Impact Officers would like to welcome you back to UT!  We have a lot of awesome volunteer opportunities lined up this semester and cannot wait for you guys to hear all about them while seeing what an impact you can make here in Austin!

With that said, we will be having our second general meeting this Wednesday, February 13th in WAG 208.

We cannot wait to see all your lovely faces then!

-The Impact Officers

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hello Potential Impact Members! We are so stoked for this upcoming semester and cannot wait to see the amazing things that you guys will do.  We currently have a couple events that we would like to inform you about.  On Wednesday, September 5, we will be taking part in Party on the Plaza. Whether you would like to sign-up for our e-mail list or simply learn more about Impact, feel free to stop by Gregory Gym Plaza at any time from 10am-5pm. Additionally, we will be holding our first general meeting on September 12, 2012 at 6:30pm in Waggener Hall, Room 214.  Definitely come by to learn more about what Impact has to offer this semester (and of course to enjoy some FREE food). Also, don't forget to follow us on Facebook or Twitter!  We hope you all are having an amazing end to your summer and have a terrific first week back to school.  We cannot wait to see you soon!
-The Impact Officers

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1st General Meeting + Color Run Info

Hello Impact,

I hope everyone is having a good start to the semester and are anxiously awaiting the start of Impact ;)

Our first meeting will be Wednesday January 25th at 6:30pm, we are still waiting for our room assignment but we will send out an email as soon as we know.

We have so many exciting things already planned for this semester. Check out the Volunteer Opportunities page!

Also we would like to extend the invitation to join TEAM IMPACT in running the Color Run on Saturday February 4th.
For more information about the Color Run go to The Color Run Website.
Click to join TEAM IMPACT (use the discount code "HFH24" to get $5 off registration).

See y'all very soon!

The Impact Officers

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Member Survey: Give Us Your Thoughts on Volunteer Events

Hello Impact Members!
In order for us to make sure you are getting the most out of your experience with Impact the officers have created a short survey to gather your opinions and thoughts on Volunteer Events. This will help us plan events that are of interest to you. Please take a few moments to complete the survey here:

The Impact Officers :)